Spanish castle gallery

Description: Futrono is located 102 km. Valdivia, main access is by crossing Reumen and is located on the north shore of Lake Ranco.

The commune offers tourist services and equipment necessary to meet the broader needs of the visitor. Enjoy natural and cultural attractions during their stay.

Attractive main commune:

Lago Ranco and Maihue, features and dump Boat Harbor, beautiful beaches, panoramic view.

Ranco Lake has 11 islands, highlighting the Huapi Island with 850 has., Inhabited by a reduction Huilliche.

The Town of Llifén distant 22 kms. (Paved path) of Futrono, stand out as the main center for fishing in the region, this activity can be done in Calcurrupe river Caunahue, White.

Llifén - Spa. The unique beauty framed by lakes, mountains, make this community an ideal environment for rest. This circuit can be done by itself or on intermediaries (travel agencies)

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