Spanish castle gallery

Discription: this is one of the first experiences of coastal forest conservation from a conservation organization. Its establishment is an initiative of the NGO CODEFF, who in 2000 bought 80 hectares of the Cordillera de la Costa valdiviana to protect a relict forest of coastal olivillo. For years there have been great efforts to implement services and infrastructure, which is in advance stage. Although Punta Curiñanco is not a tourist area, and has no facilities or utilities, you can receive visitors groups previously warning the area manager.

Curiñanco is a small town, located 25 km northwest of Valdivia. It is located in the middle of long beaches with clear blue waters, becoming every year in a suitable for sport fishing and sunbathing attractive place.

Walking around you can find local products such as vegetables, eggs in the area, crafts, preserves, lamb and fish.

The beach that forms one of its main attractions lies between the nose and the Punta Calfuco Bonifacio, with pleasant temperatures in summer and waves suitable for swimming, taking precautions. The natural landscape is adorned by bushes, meadows, plateaus, hills later with native forest with native species such as olivillos and ulmos and beautiful homes that make it even more beautiful.