Spanish castle gallery

Castle of the Pure and Clean Conception of Monfort of Lemus

Description :
The Castle is located on the coast in the area known as Niebla, 17 km from Valdivia and 9 nautical miles from the Schuster Dock. There are regular buses and shared taxis available at the intersection between Av. Alemania and Caupolicán St. and on Yungay St. next to the municipality. The Castle was part of the defense system of the estuary of Corral. The construction of fortifications in America demanded that European engineers to adapt to the materials available on site. The Castle of Niebla was raised with the hard labor of prisoners who built walls, floors and buildings in Cancagua stone and flagstone bonded with lime, roofing of slate, thigh tiles, southern sweetgrass and larch shingles.

The building of a fort or a castle obeys to war rules established in advance; castles of the end of the world had to be built with the new materials available in the area. All constructions in the estuary of the Valdivia river belong to what is known as the Hispanic-American Permanent Bastion School on Fortifications, which arises as a stylistic variation of the classical and neoclassical rules of poliorcetics developed in Europe, characterized by a practical-strategic orientation rather than an aesthetic and purist perspective.

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