Peri-urban Reserve Llancahue
Peri-urban Reserve Llancahue with an extension of 1,300 ha emerges as a natural laboratory for science and undergraduate training. Although it is located in a fiscal property, the land was given on loan by the Ministry of National Assets to the Institute of Forestry at Universidad Austral de Chile, for its protection and to advance in the research on issues such as forestry of native forests, forest ecology, hydrology and the study on ecosystem services of Chilean native forests. The land is provided with a Heritage Route that makes available to the visitor the natural values of the area.
Notably, Llancahue was recently declared a protected area for its conservation and sustainable development, thus joining the National System of Protected Assets of the Ministry of National Assets. This system aims to develop this area by combining protection instruments, planning, public access, and third party management and administration.
Forests developing there correspond to one of the most pristine landscapes in the province of Valdivia, and therefore this route represents a unique opportunity to discover a scenary that has persisted throughout the area for over 200 years.
Location and Access
This plot is located southeast of Valdivia. From the city center, go straight through Picarte Avenue and move south. A little further than 5 kilometers (3 mi) from the main square, less than a kilometer (0.6 mi) away from the urban perimeter of the regional capital the road branches as a fork into a gravel road, which runs to the left (north) of the main road. This road goes inland around the hillside. After about 4 km (2.5 mi) the vehicular road ends and the trek begins.
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Circuits within the park
Circuit 1
Forest Llancahue. Image: Valdivian Forest Llancahue. Ministry of National Assets.
Distance: 2.5 km (1.56 mi).
Duration: 2 h 50 min.
Characteristics: The trek begins in the old public road connecting the sector of Llancahue to Lomas del Sol through the south-east sector of the basin. Observation of forests consisting of Coihue, Ulmo, Olivillo, Laurel, shrubs, lichens and ferns typical of the temperate rain forest. Passing by the Llancahue stream.
Difficulty: Track on land of moderate slopes, waterlogged in the area of the stream during periods of maximum rainfall, between milestones No. 7 and No. 8. Only suitable for treks in tall rubber rainboots or waterproof high-topped shoes.
Circuit 2Forest Llancahue. Image: Valdivian Forest Llancahue. Ministry of National Assets.
Distance: 2.3 km (1.46 mi).
Duration: 1 h 40 min.
Characteristics: Walk through the middle of the basin. Observations on the status of forests dominated by Ulmo (Eucryphia cordifolia), Canelo or winter's bark (Drimys winteri), Tineo (Weinmannia trichosperma), Myrtaceous, and Mañíos (Saxegothaea conspicua), accompanied by various vines, ferns, and mosses. Visit to observe saplings and fully grown trees of the Valdivian rain forest.
Difficulty: Track on lands of moderate slopes. This trek requires rubber boots or waterproof high-topped shoes.The altitudinal profile of the route goes from 192 m to 351 m from kilometer 0 to kilometer 4.5 during the entire route of the 20 georeferenced milestones or guideposts, dividided into 2 segments or tracks that dependen on each other, for a better orientation and understanding by visitors. The distance between milestones shows variations depending on the thematic features of each point of interest and on the orientation within the route. Indicative marks have also been used on the route to further support the direction to follow, avoiding thus to take paths that could drive you away from the route.
- Wear waterproof and thermal clothing for greater comfort and safety.
- Wear tall rubber or plastic rainboots.
- Bring a route map and clock to calculate time.
- Carry bags to keep your trash.
- Be informed in advance on weather conditions for a better planning of the excursion.
- Try to not take the tour in days of heavy rainfall, since floodings of the route and/or roadblockings are a possibility due to swellings of the Llancahue Stream.
Route in Google Earth
The guideposts identified on the map are:
1. Start.
2. Description of Coigue forests and accompanying species
3. Fallen tree and fire scar
4. Long-leaved Mañío and vines
5. Other species from the woods. Ulmo, olivillo, laurel, copihue's vines and quilineja (Luzuriaga radicans Ruiz & Pav.)
6. Microbasin
7. Llancahue stream
8. Riparian woodland
9. Vines of voqui (Boquila trifoliolata) and quilineja
10. Figure made of coal
11. Black elder
12. Mr. Coigüe
13. Native bamboo field. Forest degradation
14. Forest composed of Ulmo (Eucryphia cordifolia), Olivillo (Aextoxicon punctatum Ruiz & Pav.) and Tepa (Laureliopsis philippiana (Looser) Schodde)
15. Saplings of canelo
16. Woodland of canelo and tineo
17. Woodlet of oak
18. Public exit
19. Return to forest
20. Last steps